about uns*

uns* is an exclusively lgbtqia+ model & talent agency that celebrates the vast diversity of the community and advocates for the representation of all genders, sexualities, ethnicities, bodies, abilities and backgrounds across all areas of fashion and media

mission statement

why we are here

uns* is the first model agency in Germany to represent exclusively lgbtqia+ people. based in Berlin and working throughout Europe, uns* exists to celebrate the vast diversity of the communities and advocate for the representation of all genders, sexualities, skin tones, ethnicities, bodies, abilities and backgrounds across all areas of fashion and media.

uns* was conceptualised out of a deep dissatisfaction with the lack of real and authentic diversity and representation in fashion, and a need for the specialised and focused management of lgbtqia+ models and creatives. we say fuck the damaging and outdated fantasy of thinness, whiteness, able-bodiedness, wealth and the gender binary that fashion pushes onto its professionals and consumers. we are a pioneering front in the revolution of fashion to transform the industry into a space for every body. we contribute to the liberation from harmful traditional standards of beauty by aiding marginalised folks to enter the industry, and to instigate positive change from both in front of and behind the camera.

founded by queer non-binary British photographer Cora Hamilton (they/them) and queer trans German/Polish model Max Weiland (they/he), uns* launched at the end of 2020 and works with global industry giants as well as independent local designers and everything in between.

uns* is a collaborative push towards a future in fashion and media that is so rich in its diversity and representation that every body is seen, celebrated, included and involved. we work together, not under or above one another. our communities are not supported in the mainstream, and so we build our own structures of support and success. we lift each other up until we transform fashion and media into what it can and should be.

uns* offers a variety of services and packages. this includes but is not limited to

  • models, content creators, dancers, actors, and more
  • production 
  • photographers and videographers
  • stylists, makeup artists, nail artists and art directors
  • inclusivity + diversity advisory services/packages

to enquire about how we can work together, please fill out the booking request form and send us an email to booking@wirsinduns.com. we look forward to hearing from you

Cora Hamilton, they/them

co-founder & creative director

is a queer non-binary photographer from London, UK. their idea for an exclusively lgbtqia+ agency was a dream reserved for the future, but after meeting co-founder Max and connecting over shared experiences, it became clear that the time to do it was now. Cora has a degree in popular music from Goldsmiths, University of London, and moved to Berlin in 2018 to become a freelance photographer. they were active in queer activist circles and worked with major German publications  to cover protests and demonstrations regarding a variety of issues affecting lgbtqia+ folx across the world. as well as working as a photographer for the likes of H&M and MasterCard, Cora is also a speaker on topics such as fashion, inclusivity and entrepreneurship, and a writer published in magazines such as Container Love and Majin Magazine. Cora is an avid reader and home chef (and a gemini, if that wasn't obvious already)

Max Weiland, they/he

co-founder & c.e.o.

coming from an artistic and performance background, Max Weiland (they/he) discovered modelling in their mid-20s, which lead to a vast exploration of their own gender. unfortunately, they experienced the fashion and media landscape as an unfriendly place for people who do not correspond to the binary and normative ideal of beauty. with uns*, he wants to create safer and fairer working conditions for lgbtqia+ talent. Max holds an MA in art history and worked in the field of project management, event organisation and curation at various cultural institutions. he has advised institutions and companies on gender inclusivity in communication. they speak at conferences and advocate for lgbtqia+ rights and issues, such as 202030 fashion summit, swr five souls talkshow and neonyt. he also writes essays and articles, which have been published in various magazines and online formats